At River Valley we create the opportunity for high school students jump start their college experience. We have multiple programs for you to use to graduate high school ahead of the curve and walk across the graduation stage with a college diploma in record time. Programs such as  在你高中的早期大学 (formally known as Running Start) and RVCC的早期大学 (formally known as Bridge2College) are available through 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.
新汉普郡 high school students taking courses through these programs are allowed two free courses per academic year through the NH Governor’s Scholarship.
We encourage high school students to utilize our programs to work toward a degree at RVCC or other colleges within or outside the CCSNH system. 我们的目标是帮助学生在高中毕业时获得RVCC副学士学位. Please note that all colleges require that a portion of credits of credits (usually 25%) be earned at the college granting a degree. We can help students navigate this process in order to earn a degree at a specific college.
有关这些项目的更多信息,请发送电子邮件给我们的早期大学协调员 杰瑞·阿佩尔 或者通过他的电话联系 603-542-7744 ext.5349.


在你高中的早期大学 (formally known as Running Start) allows you to enroll in RVCC courses that are taught at your high school that are part of your regular school day. The college credits you earn through the program may be used towards completion of a program at RVCC or credits may be transferred to other colleges and universities throughout the country. This program will help remove some of the pressure of paying for college with a reduced tuition of $150 per course.

Our dual enrollment team will work with your school 辅导员s to provide additional details about the registration process and how taking RVCC courses at your high school can lead to a degree program.

在你的高中注册早期大学可以通过网上完成 DualEnroll.


Through RVCC的早期大学 (formally known as Bridge2College) high school students can save thousands of dollars in total college costs! This is a program that allows high school students to take college classes that are transferable to other two and four year colleges while saving thousands of dollars in tuition costs.
Registration for courses taken through Early College At RVCC can be completed by filling out and submitting the form below.  (请填妥表格的所有部分,切勿留空)
18岁以下的学生需要家长签名. Parental and student signature on the registration form below will denote acceptance of the terms listed in our 大学早期风险/责任表.
要求我们与他们的高中分享学术信息的学生, 家庭, 或要求其他第三方填写 信息发布授权.


RVCC的早期大学 is a program where high school students take college courses for college credit. Depending on the course, your high school may also take the credit for high school credit as well. Earned credits can be applied towards a degree at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 (RVCC) or can be transferred to another college or university.

Early College ay RVCC provides motivated students the opportunity to take college level courses while in high school – and at an affordable rate! 你可能会选择高中没有的课程,或者开始你的职业生涯! You will be exposed to various career paths and learn what is expected in college academic life. You can accelerate your time towards a degree or certificate that will save you time and money.

与你的学校辅导员或家长见面. 在一起, you will decide if you are ready and can determine which college course would best meet your needs and interests. Your 辅导员 or parent can also advise you as to whether the course will satisfy a high school requirement. 该项目面向高中二年级、三年级和四年级学生开放.

使用本页的在线表格注册您的课程. 请填妥表格的所有部分,不要留下空白.  如果你未满18岁,你的父母/监护人也需要在表格上签字.


是的! 遵循与上面描述的相同的过程. For homeschooled students your parent or guardian is the person who serves as your advisor, 辅导员, 高中校长. 它们将在您完成在线注册表格时发挥该功能.

目前一门三学分课程的费用是322美元.00. 这比典型的645美元的费用打了很大的折扣.每门三学分课程00美元. This tuition rate extends through the summer semester following high school graduation. There is also the NH Governor’s Scholarship that provides two tuition free courses per academic year to qualified NH high school students

这些都是你和高中辅导员一起做的决定. Online courses are available but you may want to reflect on whether online courses are an appropriate fit with your learning style.

You can request an official transcript be sent to the college/university you are attending. 如果你选的课程将被接受为高中学分, 你的高中可能会要求你提供正式的成绩单. 作为RVCC的学生,我们将以5美元的价格提供这些成绩单.每个请求00美元. 你的双注册课程是你在RVCC正式学术记录的一部分. 我们不能, 然而, 保证其他学院或大学会接受你在RVCC获得的学分. 这个决定是由你选择就读的学院或大学做出的. 我们的转让专家, 伊丽莎白Guimond,可以协助这个过程.

  • MM / DD / YYYY
  • 联邦政府统计信息(可选)
  • CRN课程部分科目名称位置信贷 
  • (特别“早期大学”价格:任何3学分课程322美元. 每门4学分课程430美元. 如果课程包含实验部分,则免除实验费. 书/用品的费用不包括在内.)

    我证明我住在上述地址. I have met any prerequisite and/or co-requisite courses that may be required for any of the above courses. (Attach transcript or grade report if prerequisite/co-requisite courses were taken off-campus.) I accept responsibility for the selection of and payment for the courses as indicated above. 我已阅读并理解退款/提款政策. NOTE: I understand that I must fulfill my financial obligation two weeks before the first day of class, 否则我的注册将被取消,我的课程将被删除. (请参阅下面的付款方式.)本人同意,透过注册新书院系统内的课程 Hampshire (CCSNH), I am financially obligated for ALL costs related to the registered course(s). 在滴下或抽出时, I agree that I will be responsible for all charges as noted in the student catalog and handbook. 我进一步了解,如果我不支付全部款项, my account may be reported to the credit bureau and/or turned over to an outside collection agency. 我也同意支付任何催收公司的费用, 可按债务的百分比计算,最高可达35%, 以及所有额外的成本和开支, 包括任何拒付支票的费用, 诉讼费和合理的律师费, 这将使我的账户余额增加大量费用. (有效的4-1-14)

  • MM / DD / YYYY
  • 或者指明家庭学校
  • 或家庭学校管理员
  • MM / DD / YYYY
    If you are applying a CCSNH Course Voucher select the "其他" option and enter the voucher number.
  • 用Visa支付, 万事达卡或发现卡, 或索取有关Nelnet付款计划的资料, 请致电商务办公室603-542-7744分机. 5304 / 5302.

    学杂费要在开学前两周交. RVCC不发送纸质账单或时间表. 注册后,除非另行通知,否则您将被注册. 我们不会邮寄任何确认函. 课程可能会有所变化. 学生可浏览香港房屋中心网页(,选择“学生资源”,选择“学生” 电子账单的信息系统(SIS), 教室的位置(年代), 时间表, 成绩, 经济援助信息, 学生电子邮件帐户, 等. 价格可能会有变动.)